Sunday 9 March 2008

Sharing our work?

We keep adding things to do on this blog.  Think it's too much?  If not, would you guys be opposed to sharing our work here and having each other look it over?  I'd go first, as long as you give honest criticism...  :)


Lynne said...

I'd be utterly up for that Cassie. We're no getting as much criticism in class as I would like, so I'd welcome more. We do have to honest though, otherwise there is no point if we're all worried and polite. Should we agree to really say what we think as long as we can be constructive with it? Yes?


Unknown said...

There is all ready a group from the MA program doing this on Blackboard...I'm not sure why more people haven't joined in. Do you folks know about it?

To be honest, I joined the blackboard group but don't find the site as user friendly as I would like (though the comments are very helpful)so I am up for having the option to post in two places.

Lynne said...

Hey Nicole

I couldn't find our group on blackboard. Can you give me a hint on how to find it, I'm probably just being a spanner?


Unknown said...

Lynne, on your blackboard homepage, right hand side, there is a headline that says My Communities. Click on Postgraduate Certificate in Creative Writing. Then on left hand side click on Discussion Board. Click on "Introductions" then "Online Discussion Group".