Friday 7 March 2008


I was reading an interview with author Jasper Fforde today and he said that he always listens to music from the 80s when writing his novels because it helps him get in the mood and write. I sometimes like to listen to music too when I'm writing - stuff that fits the mood of the piece: something sad for an emotional scene, something uptempo for action etc, cos I find it helps me concentrate on the mood. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else did this - or did something else entirely - to help them while writing? Or do you like to work in complete silence? I'm not talking inspiration here, just something to help focus and capture the kind of emotion/idea you're trying to get across while scribbling down that all important story...

All the best,


Editor Cassandra said...

I listen. Sometimes I seek out special songs but mostly iTunes is on shuffle.

Lynne said...

I don't do music, but I do prance about to get the feeling of things, movement tempos, physicality and stuff. I wander around talking to myself and play about. That's kind of fun.

Nicole - we'll not tell Dr Fernyhough about that though, or he may start to diagnose me

Unknown said...

I almost HAVE TO listen to music when I'm writing and it's almost always instrumental or soundtracks (of which I am a HUGE fan). I even have specific tracks laid out for certain moods or stories I am working on. I find music enhances my writing in that it helps me feel the emotions I am trying to convey. Plus, I see what I am going to write in my head...guess that's why I like soundtracks. It's like watching a movie and finding a perfect score to transpose it.

Lynne, Dr. Fernyhough doesn't need to know about the whole "visions" in my head, okay =)

Sean said...

I sometimes listen to the Rat Pack or similar music when I'm daydreaming i.e. coming up with scenes or characters or story ideas etc. But never when I'm at the computer actually writing- or rather rewriting as the case may be. Then it's complete silence- except, of course for the children asking questions or pelting me with balls or pelting each other with balls...
