Saturday 31 May 2008

A to Zebra...

Odd request, but does anyone know of a story which features a dancing zebra? I'm hoping not, as I had to replace my dancing giraffe with one seeing as how a dancing giraffe already exists. If you do know of a story which features a dancing zebra, do let me know, as I want to avoid any plagiarism or copying. Unfortunately it means I'll have to go through my story and change all the illustrations and mentions of a zebra to an antelope, but I suppose that's the way it goes...



Friday 30 May 2008



Wednesday 28 May 2008

Mslexia writing diaries

I managed to salvage a couple 2008 Mslexia writing diaries from the recycling bin today. They may have some defects, but over all are in good shape. Let me know if you want one!


Hi All,

I'm posting on behalf of Sara, who wanted to give us the option of meeting next Sunday or Monday at 2p.m. at her house to read our stuff. She lives at Blackhall Mill (30-40min bus ride out of town). Also, on Sunday at 8pm Sheree Mack is going to be reading at the Blue Room (Bridge Hotel). Here's the website for more info:

Thoughts, comments, questions?

Saturday 24 May 2008

Next Meeting?

When? Where?

Inquiring minds

Friday 23 May 2008

Week Away

Is anyone interested in renting a cottage in the country for a week once we get this next deadline over? I'm going to get away for a week to try and do some concentrated writing, wandering, and country pub drinking.
Anyone interested in coming with? I'll be going before July, because it's cheaper before the schools break up.
Anyhow, let me know.

L x

Prose Tutorials

Margaret emailed all us regarding our submissions. She's juggling the tutor lists at the moment, so if you have a preferred tutor, or one that you really don't want to have, to be your supervisor I'd suggest that you email her now. I have done and she's said that she's taken note of my request and will do her best.

L x

Thursday 22 May 2008

Indiana Jones IV

In case anyone is interested, Ally and I are going to see the new Indy flick at 2p on saturday at the Empire in the Gate.  You should come too!

Writers Digest's "101 Best Websites for Writers"

Writers Digest has just released it's 101 Best Websites for Writers list!  

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Any complaints

Tomorrow is the student/staff meeting and I was wondering if there was anything you wanted me to bring up at the meeting. Any complaints any suggestions for improvements etc.


Monday 19 May 2008


I asked today about the tutorials that we're supposed to be getting during our 'writing' time over the next few months. Primarily because I'm panicking that it'll be with our personnal tutors. I've never even met mine like ever! It's making me nervous and I'd much rather work with someone who I've some kind of working relationship with. Anyhow, Melanie is going to ask for clarification of this from Margaret and get back to us.


Tomorrow, (Tues) at my place. 6p.m. Anyone game????

Alnwick Castle Trip

Hey guys

I have sent most of you messages via the book of face. I'm planning to head up to Alnwick Castle sometime this week just to get a change of scenery, be outdoors and do some writing in the grounds as they have some great locations to write in.

Anyone interested in coming? We could do a group session, or work individually or a bit of both. I'm free tomorrow, wed & fri. Can take four people up in the car and pick up any others at Alnwick train station. You have to pay for the gardens if you want to go in but the castle grounds are free.

Anyhow, let me know if you're interested and which day is best, asap please or I'll gan without ya


Saturday 17 May 2008

Illustrating a Point...

Hello everyone, hope the writing is going well!
I know usually we critique each other's writing, but I'm putting some illustrations in the story I'm handing in for the 'Writing for Children' and I was hoping that you could possibly tell me what you think of them. It would be much appreciated. Think of it as cartoon criticism: let me know what you like and what you don't. They're up on my blog page and the link's below...

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Meeting Friday?

Any interest in meeting Friday? Is your place still open Lynne? What time?

Monday 12 May 2008

Meeting tomorow

Hey Y'all

Are we meeting tomorrow? Hope so. I'm happy to host again, we could go in the graden if the weather remains clement :)
Or if someone else wants to host that's ok too, I don't mind.
Can I suggest that we start a little earlier though, just to make sure that we get through everyone this time? Also if it's at mine do you want to email me stuff beforehand so that I can have photocopies done for everyone before you get here?
Anyhow, let me know

Lynne x

Thursday 8 May 2008

Common Ties

There's a great website called common ties that accepts personal story submissions. Right now they are running a contest where you answer one of a string of questions they have suggested (or make up your own) in 50 words or less. They pay $50 for accepted answers...and are looking for artists to illustrate the answers as well.


Saturday 3 May 2008

Meeting Tuesday

Hi all,
I was planning on hosting the meeting this week at our house, but unfortunately Cassie and I won't be here Tuesday afternoon before class. If anyone else is interested in hosting the meetings this week that would be great, or we can take a break and meet again in two weeks.

Thursday 1 May 2008

David Almond, Certified Legend

I know that this isn't strictly news, and we all pretty much know this in the first place, but I just wanted to say what a legend David Almond is. Talented, down to earth, not afraid to talk about how hard he worked to become an author, and a real inspiration to every as-yet-unpublished writer out there. Brilliant. That's what our whole Creative Writing course should be like (and to be fair, some parts of it have been). The man's a genius, and exactly the kind of writer I would hope to become one day. More important than that, he's helped give us all some good ideas and advice. Plus, he signed our books(!)
Now if only Newcastle Uni could get Philip Pullman to come and teach us...